Thursday, February 9, 2012

If/When Bush invades Iran should Israel pick up part of the bill?

They got a $1 trillion freebie for Iraq. How about giving the US taxpayer some help with Iran or maybe they'd like to use their own military? On second thought, if the IDF fights like it did against the Hezbollah militia I'd hate to see what they'd do against an entire country like Iran.If/When Bush invades Iran should Israel pick up part of the bill?
I would like to take this time to list my own reasons for thanking and blessing Israel, our lone ally in the Middle East, for everything she has done for us, since I am quite sure most Americans are unaware of just what kind of friend she has been to us.

For extorting from me and my fellow Americans $4,000,000,000.00 a year for the last 4 decades, we bless thee.

For taking our most sophisticated weapons technology and stealing it for yourself without paying the American patent holders, we bless thee.

For taking that high-tech military technology and selling it to our enemies, such as the Russians and Chinese, thus further endangering us, we bless thee.

For using that weaponry in a sustained attack against a United States ship, the USS Liberty, in an attempt to sink her, thus preventing US servicemen from revealing to the rest of the world information concerning the war crimes they witnessed you commit against Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai Desert during the Six Day War, as well as for the purposes of dragging the US into yet another one of your murderous adventures, we bless thee.

For killing 35 and wounding 170 American sailors aboard the USS Liberty, we bless thee.

For bribing the United States government into covering it up, preventing any justice from being done for the benefit of the families of the lost sailors - as well as the American People, we bless thee.

For sending your agents into Egypt and blowing up American buildings for the purpose of blaming the Arabs in an event known as the Lavon Affair, we bless thee.

For sending your agents into Libya during the Reagan administration, and broadcasting radio messages in Arabic that were designed to sound like “terrorist cell planning” so that the US would initiate military strikes against Khadafi in an event known as Operation Trojan Horse, we bless thee.

For withholding information from us concerning the planned attacks against the US Marine barracks in Lebanon, attacks you knew about through your moles in the Islamic world and about which you deliberately refused to warn us in order to further your interests against the Arabs, we bless thee.

For employing Jonathon Pollard, an American serviceman paid to spy for Israel in order to steal even more of our National Security secrets for your parasitic purposes, we bless thee.

For blackmailing President Clinton through one of your sayanim, Monica Lewinsky, in order to prevent a coherent peace program from being pushed forward between yourself and the Palestinian people whom you have brutalized and murdered for the last 50 years, we bless thee.

For breaking every agreement you have made with your Arab neighbors, stealing their land, displacing, murdering, and treating them like the animals you see them as, we bless thee.

For using your agents within the first Bush administration to involve us in the first Gulf War, causing the deaths of American men and women, and exposing our servicemen to whatever bioweapons were and are responsible which have led to Gulf War Syndrome, we bless thee.

For your role in the September 11 attacks in this country, and for blackmailing and bribing the US government into deporting back to Israel the 100 or more intelligence agents that were arrested after the attacks, we bless thee.

For suppressing the information from the American people of your involvement in the September 11 attacks and sending us in the wrong direction in search of answers, we bless thee.
Israel won't have to lift a finger. What do you think the US is for? We're the muscle, they're the brains of this silly world-domination scheme. The plot's been played out innumerable times over in history, and this won't be the last time.If/When Bush invades Iran should Israel pick up part of the bill?
How is Bush going to invade Iran? It takes an act of congress to attack. Last time I looked, Dems took control. You should reword your question to include the Demoncrat majority that would be making the decision to attack Iran.
You forgot to mention that the president would need an Act of Congress in order to attack Iran, so the Democratic majority in the Senate would have to vote for it. And Israel would very much like to help us in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran (if/when it comes to that), but they are always told to step back. When we invaded Afghanistan, one of the conditions Pakistan insisted on was that Israel could not step foot on their soil. This prevented them from helping us.If/When Bush invades Iran should Israel pick up part of the bill?
No, they are trading services. The US uses Israel to fight Hezbollah for them.
Just like a company passing the cost on to the customer, Israel, who gets all her money from the US, would just pay the bill and then pass it off to the US taxpayer.
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