Monday, February 20, 2012

How can I stimate my guests' water usage so I can send them part of my water bill to pick up their share?

I'm having a party next weekend and I think it's fair that people pay for their own water use, in case they need to use the washroom, and water use from cooking their food. Should I let them know this before the party? How can I monitor this so it is fair?

thanksHow can I stimate my guests' water usage so I can send them part of my water bill to pick up their share?
Might I suggest that you refrain from using ANY water while they are there - that way you will know that all water charges for that specific time frame will be those of your guests - drink only juice or soda, don't flush, don't this practice will eliminate the problem of ever having to throw a party like this again!
why is this in R%26amp;S?

How can I stimate my guests' water usage so I can send them part of my water bill to pick up their share?
really? well if your serious, then may I suggest a flat fee
If you can't afford the wingding you're throwing to the point of charging your guests for flushing the toilet, then my advice is to cancel the party until you can be a proper host to your guests..You invited them, they aren't inviting themselves...How can I stimate my guests' water usage so I can send them part of my water bill to pick up their share?
I think you should tell them a head of time. I bet you have a party of one.
Why is this in the religion section???? What does a water bill have to do with religion?? If you invite them as guests they are not responsible to pay your bills........
Well you could fill hundreds of gallon jugs then turn off the water and sell them what they need to cook, drink, flush the toilet, etc...

And by all means you should tell them prior to the party.

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