Thursday, February 16, 2012

This is a question for service workers. What do you do when you see the one paying the bill leaves a big tip,

only for someone else, like a spouse, pick part of it back up? Recently, I had some taxi passengers, where the first person to get out gave me a $20 on a $12 fare, and to keep the change. It's common for people to give me high tips, because of the extras in my taxi. He went inside the bar before the last one got out. This person said to give him $6 of the change.

This happens about once a month, though never with my regular customers, so I can't tell the host later what happened. What would you do under these circumstances?This is a question for service workers. What do you do when you see the one paying the bill leaves a big tip,
Sometimes you run into lame people, that's all.

Honestly, I don't know what would I do. One part of me says I'd tell him "You are not the one who paid. Why should I be carrying any financial transactions out with you all of a sudden. Just invite your friend back, I'll hapily sort it out with him." But I wouldn't feel safe doing it. Yes, I'm chicken and I admit it. I actually don't know how taxi drivers keep themselves safe.
Tell that person you will give the change to the person who tipped you.This is a question for service workers. What do you do when you see the one paying the bill leaves a big tip,
If a customer gave you $20, it is legally yours to keep. You are within your rights to refuse to fork over the change.

edited to add: there are several non-confrontational suggestions offered here that sound pretty good!
Always show some reservation about the fare's generosity. Once the generosity is confrimed to be accurate, say "thank you" and put it in a lock box ithrough a slot in the top. That way, if another passenger wants change from it, tell him you can't open the lockbox - the key is at the station. That will end the conflict.This is a question for service workers. What do you do when you see the one paying the bill leaves a big tip,
I would tell the second person to "get a life" unless he or she is a regular. Chances are that the smuck would not leave a tip at all unless the first person had.
wow. thats crap man!

Personally.. I would have told the person "no problem he can have his change if he wants it.. ill wait here. just go grab him and I will give it to him. otherwise please step out of my taxi."
How bold are you? If that were me, I would tell the person asking for part of the change intended as my tip, the person who paid the fare told me to keep the change. If I tell any service person to keep the change, I mean for them to keep the change. I would be very peeved if I found out that one of my buddies or my spouse took away part of what I wanted to give or leave as a tip.
I'm not a service worker but if I gave someone a tip and my buddy or wife, etc. asked for it back I would be f'n pissed. I gave it to you, it's yours. If someone does this to you, make them call the person who gave you the tip back out. That is your money and I would expect you to tell my cheap bastard friend "NO!"

None of my friends would ever do this but I gave you the money for a reason as a cab driver, be it good conversation, a quick short cut or whatever. I gave you the tip, I want you to have the tip. I would want you to call out whoever I am with. Because chances are that cheap fvck would keep it and neither one of us would see that money.
I totally sympathize but these days it can be dangerous to confront people. I think the lockbox idea is a good one. You could keep some change in your pockets but you don't have to tell the jerks like the guy who stole your money about it. And yes, he STOLE it, just the same as if he had taken it by force.

One other thing I do and I would encourage other people to do is, if I get really good service, I not only give a good tip, but I take the time to tell the manager (if available) or hostess (in a restaurant) that "X was my waiter and he/she did a super job." People always complain about things, so when somebody gives a compliment, it's not only good for the waiter, it makes the manager feel good, too.

(In your case I would call the cab company and say you did a great job.)
There are some real winners out there !
Well, everyone else has pretty much said what I was going to say: You were given the money with the words "Keep the change" so it's yours. If it was a regular I would mention it, but seeing as they're not, there's not much you can do.
Tell him, "If your friend wants to give you $6, he can do it directly." I mean, come on, that guy didn't even pay you in the first place! Why should you give him money?
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