Friday, February 3, 2012

Which zodiac sign has the most terrible temper?

I am a Virgo and my moon sign is Cancer, when I get angry, do not expect me to be a just little irritated, expect a full blown rage. I only get angry once or twice a year, much like a Taurus. I am also attracted to physical fighting and I am not very verbal.Which zodiac sign has the most terrible temper?
...TAURUS...when they explode, its rage~it may take alot,

but, it is like 'Watch out and get outta the way! 'when it happens~

Virgo does have a nasty temper when they get mad, though

it does not last too long. They also say some cutting and hurtful

things, w/o realizing the hurt they are inflicting at the time.

Aries can also explode and 'charge' but it also is not everlasting.

They are more impulsive and 'ask later ' types, as is Leos. (fire)

Scorpios can get nasty, but they have more of 'get revenge'

tactics that usually last indefinitely, if not forever.
Aries are famously short tempered.

Scorpios don't get mad, they get even.

Taurans aren't angry people.

Virgos are easily annoyed and have little tolerance for...a lot. They can be biting but it's usually a fleeting flare up. Your Cancer moon would heighten that Virgo sensitivity and add a moodiness that can absorb and deepen the anger.

I'd be interested in your Mercury which would determine how you communicate, and Mars, which indicates how you respond to conflict.

I bet you'd find your Mars in Aries or another fire sign and your Mercury in Cancer.Which zodiac sign has the most terrible temper?
I disagree with most. Taurus are really nice people who can keep their tempers. The ones with the biggest tempers are Aries. Like my mom for example but she controls it and can be very sweet. The worst of all is a Sagittarius. Whenever things dont go their way they take it out on others or else make a huge scene. I have a sagittarius brother and when theres a fight in the house its always between my mom and him. The sagittarius people I know are all very violent. They get easily offended by anything. Some of them I know are even wife beaters. Scorpios I know are the least bad-tempered of all. My dad is a scorpio and I view him as a saint. Geminis are more cool-tempered but they can start **** out of nowhere.
Scorpio females, more than the males.

Capricorn males.

Cancers has a terrible temper. I know because I am one, and yes like you when I am angry I am full of rage. Usually, it builds up and when I let it out it comes out full force. To stop that from happening, I try to say whats on my mind right away than holding my tongue whether it cause confrontation or not. I would like to get into ninja juitsu.

I meant to add Aquarius of both signs, are full of rage and will get physical right then and there if you disrespect them in the slightest.Which zodiac sign has the most terrible temper?
From my experience...Taurus. Especially an ex friend of mine who was a Taurus sun with Cancer moon. She tried very hard to make me feel like dirt. Scorpio comes in a close second, but I rarely fight with my Scorpio friends, it's just me observing them with other people.

Also, Chris Brown is a double Taurus(both moon and sun) and look at how he took his anger out on Rihanna.
I have a Taurus family member and am with one right now.

So, I can say that they get mad over the LITTLEST things. It's quite a nuisance to be honest. I'm a capricorn so I can be patient with their tempers especially if I like them.

My Taurus guy likes to get physical and hit anything nearby, when he gets angered. He gets angered easily. Kinda sexy, as long as he doesn't take the anger out on me, which he has not.
Haha my ex was a virgo and you described him completely.. they keep their anger in.. while alot of zodiacs like me (a leo) will let it out in spurts haha.

But in terms of temper.. scorpios because they're suspicious and if you 'prove their suspicions right' they get angry, and yes I agree aries as well.
Cancer Sun and Aries Moon...Aries Ascendant and Mars in Cancer..Combine the sensitivity of cancer and the force, temperament of a violent aries...

My Mom is a Taurus with moon in scorpio..WOW! When she gets angry, I have to hide. She is very scary when she gets angry.
Aries - my mom is one and believe me when she argues with my(Leo) dad there is no competition there...and her temper just gets all over the place

she can say things with out thinking and apologize very quickly - Aries traits
Hm, from what I always read from various readings,

Aries has the most terrible temper, and unfortunately I'm one.

Aries tend to be more straightforward and fiery.

I'd say aries. I am one and when I get angry..heh..well.. x)

I also hear a lot Taurus people are pretty scary when they're angry.

I dont think scorpios have temper tantrums, they just get revenge somehow.
Taurus and Leo are known to have a bad temper.

Taurus seldom show their anger but when they let it out it's explosive, while Leo gets angry more frequently and they are loud and dramatic.
gets mad fast and, afterwards, pretends like nothing even happened: aries, leo, gemini

gets mad slowly and when that happens, you better run!:

taurus, scorpio

They get really angry if something makes them mad.

Scorpios and aries are supposed to have a terrible temper from what i heard.

im a taurus :)

Me = Taurus

Taurus has a terrible temper, no-one has seen me really angry apart from my mum




Pisces have a temper if you provoke them or if you walk all over us. That's when my temper snaps. Taurus has a nasty temper.
It's really about the Mars sign.

I have Mars in LEO and I have a pretty bad temper when provoked. and I make a HUGE SCENE!!!!!!!!



Scorpio. There known for there temper and jelousy
I would say Scorpio. All the Scorpios i know are mean and have a short temper.
aries or scorpio. both represented by mars.

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