Friday, February 3, 2012

What zodiac sign is the most powerful?

As if there's beneath in them that makes them enliven or a force that keeps them strive even in the hard times of there lives. Thus making them endlessly powerful. Because of their utmost determination, they are able to succeed in life even crisis comes.What zodiac sign is the most powerful?
Scorpio is said to be the most powerful
Speaking from a purely astrological point of view,Sun is the most powerful amongst all the nine heavenly bodies as considered in astrology.It gives heat and light to the earth.Life on earth is possible only because of the Sun. And the only sign Sun owns is Leo.Moreover Leo is represented by a lion who is said to be the king of the jungle.Thus Leo qualifies to be the most powerful sign of the zodiac.However, when one looks at human achievement,it is seen that most achievers were born under the sign Aquarius,the sign opposing Leo.Considering everything i find it difficult to choose between the two.Rather,i would settle for any of the two as the most powerful sign.What zodiac sign is the most powerful?
I agree with Ang3l, each sign has its own strengths and weaknesses.

The stereotype is that Scorpio is the most powerful sign, as someone else mentioned, however I have met as many weak-willed Scorpio individuals as I have the more stead-fast, driven ones. My brother is a great example - controlling, abusive, and incapable of controlling his emotions beyond a fourth grade level.

On the other hand, a friend of mine is none of those things, knows her own mind, has strength of character and at the same time is a big enough person to still remain pleasant and kind.

The strongest and most powerful person I know in my life would have to be my partner, who is Cancer. So, I think this all varies with experience.
I don't know why everyones saying scorpio is the most powerful, being honest. Maybe everyone see's their mystery as something powerful underneath?

I am close to 5 scorpios, all of which are so psychically and emotionally weak i have to stand up for them and help them alot.

Also, in the bedroom, they are so not powerful in the bedroom, they have no power over me, its the oppisite way round being honest.What zodiac sign is the most powerful?
In the way you have described being, the most powerful through hard times and with detemination i would say scorpio.

They are one thats get dragged down to hell and come out stronger then before.

Capricorns come in a close second, as they are constantly climbing, no matter what the set back.

Aries however would be the most 'powerful' and forceful. but only in short bursts of huge energy.

Scorp and capricorn have persistance and determination
seems like this question does not have a solid answer
I believe that all zodiac signs are all powerful in their own ways. We all have our strengths and weaknesses no matter how powerful our sign is meant to be. :)
I think Scorpio is the most powerful sign.... Look at their characteristics.
Well, the Sun is dignified in Leo and exalted in Aries.

Scorpio are said to be really intense powerful.




Gemini, Leo, Scorpio
depends, powerful on what?
scorpio - no contest.
Scorpio and Leo.
They are all the same.
leos of course
i see you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the suns apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality.
Capricorn has Presuverence

Aries have common sence, intelligence (stubborn)

Scorpio has deep power

I'd say Capricorn %26amp; aries

five thumbs down on virgos ? are you people serious !…
Taurus will fight dirty and win.

Leo will bluff and be diplomatic and admired.
Capricorn no doubt.
deppending on what type of power..the one ur talking about..capricorn

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    The Most Powerful Zodiac Signs
