Monday, January 30, 2012

What zodiac sign do people often confuse you for?

BTW: Chris "looks" like a Scorpio %26amp; Bree like a Sagittarius imoWhat zodiac sign do people often confuse you for?
they mistake me for a big penis :(
i am the parrot sign but they normally confuse me for a gorilla sign no offenceWhat zodiac sign do people often confuse you for?
I don't know why but I'm often mistaken for a Virgo or a Cancer. I'm a Leo..go figure LOL
I've been mistaken for Aries before, but most people have never even commented on my Sun sign let alone confuse my Sun sign. I do have Mars conjunct Ascendant and Aries Venus conjunct Jupiter, so it's somewhat understandable in that case at least.What zodiac sign do people often confuse you for?
virgo probably most often. on occasion pisces. sometimes cancer, but only by people who don't understand that sign lol.
Most say Aquarius and Libra.

I'm a Scorpio.
Pisces :P
I get mistaken for an Aquarius a lot, but I'm a Sagittarius. The only spot I have Aquarius is in my midheaven.
ur right on the money for me lol.

people have thought I was a scorpio before. but I think it's cuz of my scorpio rising and pluto is pretty strong in my chart. I have pluto conjunct the ascendant.

I think aspects in your first or to your ascendant can really change up the way you come off to others.

How about you? What sign do others confuse you for?
mistake me for a libra whenever i say i'm a scorpio there like your not, u don't seem evil(whatever that means)

i have a libra rising so it makes sense i guess %26lt;3
People do mistake me for someone more confident and feisty all the time and they approach me accordingly. And I react as the spluttering awkward mess that I am...I don't know why but that's just how my face falls :'(

Pisces sun, Sag moon
depending on the first impression i give someone i could be mistaken for a capricorn (if i'm quiet) or a water sign (if i'm talkative). i could probably fake a pisces if needed =p

i'm an aquarius but have a venus in capricorn and few scorpio placements
I get mistaken for a Scorpio, Libra or Cancer.

But usually people guess correctly that i'm a Taurus ^_^
  • acura rsx
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